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  Nationwide Industrial Concrete Flooring Contractors & Concrete Finishing Specialists

Back How to polish concrete floors: our experts explain

Polished concrete floors are an extremely durable option for a wide range of premises, including commercial, industrial and retail. With their sleek and modern appearance, it’s easy to see why polished concrete floors are so popular.

In this blog post, we explain how this attractive concrete finish is achieved.

How our experts achieve a polished concrete floor

The process of creating a polished concrete floor is both time and labour intensive. The steps are as follows:

Clean and patch the surface

It’s essential to prepare the surface thoroughly, especially when polishing an existing concrete floor. We’ll clean the entire surface and remove any stains from the concrete, to ensure they don’t get preserved underneath the polish. Stubborn stains may need to be tackled with a high-strength solution, a process that demands good ventilation and requires our team to wear protective eyewear and clothing.

Once the floor has been cleaned, it will be easier to spot imperfections in the concrete. Any cracks will be filled with concrete crack filler, and any protruding pieces of metal must be chipped out.

Test the hardness of the concrete

Once we’re satisfied that any imperfections have been taken care of, we will measure the hardness of the concrete using Measurement of Hardness Scale (MOHS) picks. The result will determine which grinding discs are suitable for use on your concrete floor.

Treat the floor with a concrete grinder

Standard sanders aren’t tough enough to grind concrete. That’s why we use a specialised tool called a concrete grinder, with a set of metal-bonded diamond discs that suits the hardness of your concrete. We’ll apply a spray-on densifier to make the surface less permeable, then make the final grinding pass.

After grinding, it’s important to thoroughly clean the concrete floor to remove all dust and debris.

Polish and seal the concrete floor

Making sure conditions are completely dry, the next step is to attach a polishing pad to the grinder and use it to buff and smooth the concrete. The final stage is sealing the floor with a water or solvent-based sealer. This may either be applied with a roller or sprayed on. Sealers protect the concrete against grease, dirt and other stains. A glossy sealer will also add a sheen effect.


Work with the concrete flooring experts

 To find out more about creating an attractive and durable polished concrete floor in your commercial, industrial or retail premises, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team today on 01590 676 585

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